Saturday, September 18, 2010

Fall Fitness Challenge...Day 6, re-cap of Day 5 = team training (which turns out to be spinning) at 7:00 p.m. on a Friday night.

Please just kill me now.

Actually, I survive even though the class is being held at my absolute lowest energy time of the day. I even manage to do some of the standing positions on the bike. Now, if you've never done a spin class (which, until last evening, I hadn't) you add resistance to the bike and from time to time ride in a vertical standing position.

For an old, plump chick like me...this is very hard. Very, very hard.

However, because the seats on the spin bikes are SOOOOOOOOOO uncomfortable, at some point during the class you are forced to stand just to give your backside and other - er - tender parts - a break from the torture of the seat.

Those spin instructors are sneaky like that.

Thankfully, my tender parts seem to have recovered from the torturous seats.

So, fast forward 11.5 hours to 8:00 a.m. today. I'm at the gym AGAIN to get in a class this week. Urgh. More "Low and Loaded" with instructor D (different "D" than personal trainer "D".) She's in her traffic-cone-colored tank again this week and has just as much if not more energy than last week.

Today I still find myself unable to sustain many of the moves, but I feel as though there is some improvement over last week. I'm still huffing and puffing and panting through most of the class. Am hoping that my cardiovascular system will eventually get with the program and my lungs will shape up along with everything else so I don't resemble a radish by the end of the class. D is very sweet and tells me that I'm doing great.

Food intake good this week with the exception of a mini-bag of microwave popcorn yesterday when the rumbling in my stomach became too much at work and I had already consumed my planned snacks for the day. I did, however, not consume any of the cupcakes or ice cream served for a colleague's birthday.

And that ice cream looked GOOD. I mean REALLY GOOD.

But I didn't want to see it on the scale today, ice cream.

Official weigh-in for the Challenge is on Monday morning so I'm going to hold off reporting out today the results so far...

And now off to a family gathering where there is going to be a ton of food. Chris and I are packing some healthy snacks in a cooler to bring with us just in case there aren't any healthy options.

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