Tuesday, October 12, 2010

On the verge of


Very early meeting today 30 minutes from home and had to be there 30 minutes before the start of the meeting to set up... so no gym this a.m.

Meeting went really well.

The rest of the day kind of went downhill from there. Was supposed to bring some materials to a client, but discovered to my chagrin that I had left a key piece at my office a 45-minute drive away. So, back to my office where I figured that I'd call and let them know that I'd have to make the delivery tomorrow. Luckily one of my colleagues was going back down that way later in the day so I didn't have to make the call.

Another client announced that they are moving up some meetings by several weeks and suddenly I have to have their materials prepped and ready for next week. Along with the materials for another major client.


You see where this is heading, don't you?

I didn't leave my office until 8:00 p.m. this evening.

Guess where I did not go today?

If you guessed "the gym" you would be right!

Tomorrow isn't looking much better.  Crapballs.

So, I'm going to hit the sack in order to attempt a 5:00 a.m. wake up to get to the gym. Need to be back here no later than 6:30 because I have to leave my house for my early meeting no later than 7:15.

Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! Good plan to hit the gym in the morning. I hope you can find a break in the schedule sometime to just relax and breathe some. Take care.
