Monday, October 25, 2010

Weigh-in day

If one does not follow one's eating plan to the does not lose weight.

No weight loss this week.

I knew it was coming, but even when it's still kinda sucks.


However, on the flip's weigh-in did motivate me to hit the gym tonight after work. And, if you've been reading this blog for any length of time, you know that I loathe going to the gym after a long day at work.

And today was one of those long days at work.

But I got myself to the gym to do some lower body weight lifting and lots of different kinds of crunches.

Three good things happen at the gym this evening. No, wait - actually four good things:
  1. I happen upon my husband at the gym during his personal training session and am pleased to see that he looks like he's having a good time with trainer D.
  2. A man who is not my husband gives me an up-and-down-seriously-checking-me-out kind of look and then gives me a nice smile. It's been a really, really long time since a man who is not my husband has looked at me in that way.
  3. My husband comes over to the free weight area to chat for a minute before he runs off to do errands. I'm standing on a step doing calf raises. Chris says to me, "You look really sexy when you exercise." What a lovely husband I have. I haven't felt at all sexy in a really, really long time. 
  4. I lay down on a mat to do my crunches. Between sets I rest my hand on Bernice and - miraculously! - when I'm laying down she's actually almost flat! Let me lose another 80 sticks of butter and its, "Bye bye, Bernice!!!"
So, even though no sticks of butter melted away this past week, it's still all good.

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