Thursday, December 9, 2010

Back from Florida

Traveling, restaurant food for 5 days, a wedding and a birthday celebration all in one weekend.

So, basically my eating was...ummmm...somewhat less than perfect.

There was a lot of dessert involved. Chocolate mousse, cheesecake, chocolates.

Yeah. Bernice was in heaven.

Once Bernice got a taste of that cheesecake she pushed for ALL of her favorites. There was an order of sweet potato fries in which she and I thoroughly indulged. And I mean THOROUGHLY. There wasn't a fry left on that plate! (Not actually so proud of that particular decision. Damn you, Bernice! But what's done is done and today is a do-over... )

However, for the first time EVER the husband and I brought exercise clothes with us and exercised all but one of the days we were on vacation. Hell, yesterday we were up at 6:30 a.m. (6:30!!!!!) on our last day of vacation so we could get in our exercise before an early breakfast with my folks before they hit the road.

Who woulda thunk it??? Us, up at 6:30 on vacation??? Holy crapballs. We have changed.

Bernice was pretty pissed about the whole thing. She was lobbying for sleeping and then cheesecake for breakfast.

So, hopefully the vacation workouts at least offset some of the less-than-stellar eating that happened this past week/weekend. I'm not exactly looking forward to getting on the scale this coming Monday, but hopefully the next 4 days of reasonable eating and my regular exercise routine will help prevent a significant gain.

Bernice is bumming in a big way about being back at home. She was really enjoying all of that fattening stuff.

Sorry, Bernice.

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